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New Years 2016


Watch Video To Learn More!

We have a NEW Exercise Game we’ll be playing this year to keep you motivated to exercise! =)

If it is time to start being consistent with your workouts, join the Pilates Cardiocamp and play the Pilates Cardiocamp Exercise Game!

Have Fun and start getting the results you want when you’re consistent with your workouts! This game will help keep you motivated!

To see your Pilates Cardiocamp Exercise Game click here!

New Year’s Special for new Pilates members:

  • Join before March 31st and SAVE $50!
  • Join with a friend and SAVE $100!

If a regular member brings in a new member, you’ll get a $50 off your Session as a Thank You! =) Send your friends to

Send you many blessings and good health for an AMAZING New Year! =)


Michelle Melendez Signature

P.S. Let this be the year you create a body you feel good and confident in. You deserve that!

P.S.S. Join our fitness family and stop going it alone! Oh yeah!