Call Us Toll FREE: 1.866.339.4438

To See Rates, Choose Your Fitness Package Below.

10 Class Travel Membership


Travel Membership


in 90 days


($20 class)

Train any time at any location.
Join 2-days a week




in 5 weeks


($23 class)
5-Week Session Only

Train any time at any location.
Join 3-days a week




in 5 weeks


($15 class)
5-Week Session Only 

Train any time at any location.
Join 4-days a week




in 5 weeks


($13 class)
5-Week Session Only

Train any time at any location.
Join 5-days a week




in 5 weeks


($12 class)
5-Week Session Only

Train any time at any location.
*Cancel anytime. Send us an email when you miss class so we can refund your class.

Needs: You will need a thick mat order here, water bottle, and foam roller order here. We have equipment you can borrow to try out the program. You’ll want gloves in winter for the 7am class on Tuesday and Thursday. The weights are stored outside and they are cold.

Note: You do not need to wait for the beginning of a session to start. If you are ready, start now and we’ll prorate your session! =)

Session Start Dates

Sessions Run 5 Weeks consecutively year round!





Jan 1st-Feb 1st



Feb 5th-March 8th



March 11th- April 12th



Apr 15th- May 17th


May 20th-June 21st



Jun 24th-July 26th



July 29th-Aug 30th



Sept 2nd-Oct 4th


Oct 7th-Nov 8th



Nov 11th-Dec 13th



Dec 16- 24, 26- 31, Jan 2, 3

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