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Destress Meditation

De-Stress Meditation Class

Day/Time:  Tuesday/10:05-10:25 (20-min)

Location: Marti’s Dance Studio B, 1140 Riverside Dr. Los Altos.

Life these days can be overwhelming!

DestressMeditationDoes this sound like you…

  • You get up and you’re on the go!
  • You have too much to do too little time!
  • You feel stressed and worried about things in AND out of your control!
  • Your stress is starting to affect your quality of life and your health!

You’re not alone! This is why I created a de-stress meditation class!

Being fit and healthy is not only about toning and firming up your body but also about relaxing and refocusing your mind and heart.

You may be thinking, “I don’t have time to meditate”.

Did you know when your mind is calm you’re able to tap into solutions to problems you couldn’t think of otherwise?

You’ll be able to do more in your day, have more patience with others, and create more connection with family and friends when your mind is in balance.

Meditating actually creates MORE time for you!

I say, “You don’t have time NOT to meditate!”

Here are some benefits of meditation:

  • Reduces emotional stress in the body
  • Enhances energy, strength, and vigor
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate
  • Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning
  • Harmonizes our endocrine system
  • Relaxes our nervous system
  • Produce lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical activity
  • And more!

Bring in your favorite pillow and Join us!

Give it one class and feel what meditation can do for you!

I’m thrilled to bring this class to my Los Altos clients! I know it’s going to make a huge difference in your health!

Clesslass is on a donation basis and 10% goes to purchasing homeless care packages.

These care packages include things like soap, tissues, lotion, hand sanitizer, granola bars, nail clippers, comb and more!

Ask for one and I’ll bring it in for you. =)

Join us and do something great for your body and mind and help someone in need at the same time!

I look forward to seeing you in class!

May all beings be happy,

Michelle Melendez

Michelle Melendez Signature

Michelle Melendez-Founder

P.S. Life is supposed to enjoyable and easy. This rush-rush we made up in our head and is a pattern that can be changed. Let’s do it together! =)

Benefits of meditation list taken from: